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1. sea, ocean.
2. marine, maritime, nautical, naval.
3. waves, sea; a swell.

denizin açığı the offing.

denize açılmak to put (out) to sea.

deniz albayı navy captain.

deniz ataşesi naval attaché.

denizde balık something not yet in hand, a bird in the bush.

deniz baskını tidal wave, tsunami.

deniz basması geol. marine transgression.

deniz binbaşısı navy commander.

deniz bindirmek for the sea to get rough suddenly.

deniz buzu sea ice.

deniz buzulu ice mass formed at the seashore.

denizden çıkmış balığa dönmek to feel like a fish out of water.

deniz derya
1. the boundless seas.
2. all around, as far as the eye can see.

deniz derya ayak altında. You have a wide view of the sea, spread out and beneath you.

deniz durdu/ düştü. The sea has died down.

denize düşen yılana sarılır. proverb A drowning man will clutch at a straw.

denize elverişli seaworthy.

deniz eri navy seaman.

deniz feneri lighthouse. denizden/

denizi geçip kıyıda/çayda boğulmak to handle big problems successfully and come to grief over trifles.

denize girmek to bathe, go swimming (in the sea).

denize girse kurutur. colloq. He can't do anything right.

deniz hamamı formerly an enclosure for sea bathing.

deniz haritası naut. chart. D

deniz Harp Akademisi Naval Academy.

deniz hortumu waterspout.

deniz hukuku maritime law.

denize indirmek /ı/ to launch (a ship).

deniz kabarmak for the sea to get rough.

deniz kazası shipwreck; accident at sea.

deniz kenarı seashore.

deniz kenarında kuyu kazmak to do something the hard way.

denizleri kolla! naut. Ease the ship!

deniz kulübü seaside club; yacht club.

denizde kum, onda para. colloq. He has as much money as there is sand in the sea.

deniz kurdu experienced sailor, sea dog, an old salt.

deniz kuvvetleri naval forces.

deniz mili nautical mile.

deniz müzesi naval museum; oceanographic museum.

deniz nakliyat şirketi shipping company.

deniz otobüsü hovercraft; hydrofoil.

deniz sigortası maritime insurance.

deniz subayı naval officer.

deniz tarağı dredge, dredger.

deniz tehlikesi com. sea risks.

deniz ticaret hukuku maritime law.

deniz tutmak /ı/ to get seasick.

deniz tutması seasickness.

deniz uçağı seaplane.

deniz üssü naval base.

deniz yarbayı navy commander.

deniz yeli the steady offshore breeze of summer.

deniz yolları maritime lines.

deniz yoluyla by sea.

deniz yosunu seaweed.

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