Turkish Dictionary Download
Version 0.11
Our software for Windows XP features automatic word capture and dictionary lookup on Alt+Left Mouse Button.

How To Use
1. Once you start Turkish Dictionary software, it will appear as an icon in your system tray (bottom right corner of your desktop).
2. Bring the mouse pointer on the word you want to look up on your screen.
3. Press and hold Alt button on the keyboard, and do a left click with your mouse while the mouse pointer is on the word you want to look up in Turkish DIctionary.
4. A window will open with the meaning of the word.

1. Download the installation files in .zip format, using the download link above.
2. Extract the contents of the .zip file to your hard drive
3. Run setup.exe in Turkish Dictionary v0.11 folder
4. Follow the setup instructions to completion. If you don't have Microsoft .Net framework installed on your computer, setup will automatically download and install this before the installation of our software. Just follow the setup instructions and this will be done automatically.
5. Run the software using the TurkishDictionary shortcut created on your desktop, or from the start menu programs.

1. Go to Settings | Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs.
2. From the list of programs installed on your computer, finhd and click on Turkish Dictionary.
3. Click on Change/Remove button that appears on the right side of this item, and follow the instructions for uninstall.

1. If you have a previous version, the setup will override that one. ou can still uninstall the previous version and install this one from scratch. If you did the .Net Framework installation once, it won't be required again.

Version 0.1

How To Use
1. Once you start Turkish Dictionary software, it will appear as an icon in your system tray (bottom right corner of your desktop).
2. Bring the mouse pointer on the word you want to look up on your screen.
3. Press and hold Alt button on the keyboard, and do a left click with your mouse while the mouse pointer is on the word you want to look up in Turkish DIctionary.
4. A window will open with the meaning of the word.

1. Download the installation files in .zip format, using the download link above.
2. Extract the contents of the .zip file to your hard drive
3. Run setup.exe in Turkish Dictionary v0.1 folder
4. Follow the setup instructions to completion. If you don't have Microsoft .Net framework installed on your computer, setup will download and install this before the installation of our software. Just follow the setup instructions and this will be done automatically.
5. Run the software using the TurkishDictionary shortcut created on your desktop, or from the start menu programs.

1. Go to Settings | Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs.
2. From the list of programs installed on your computer, finhd and click on Turkish Dictionary.
3. Click on Change/Remove button that appears on the right side of this item, and follow the instructions for uninstall.